
Helpful lighting community resources:

XLights – xLights is a free and open source program that enables you to design, create and play amazing lighting displays through the use of DMX controllers, E1.31 Ethernet controllers and more.  With it you can layout your display visually then assign effects to the various items throughout your sequence. This can be in time to music (with beat-tracking built into xLights) or just however you like.  xLights runs on Windows, OSX and Linux

Vixen - Vixen is software for do-it-yourself lighting automation displays. Vixen is geared primarily toward the DIYer. For those that prefer a packaged all-in-one solution, there are commercial solutions available such as Light-O-Rama. For those that prefer a lower-cost DIY solution, Vixen may be the software for you. There is a broad base of software plug-ins to support different hardware designs. Additionally, you can create your own plug-ins to support your hardware.

Spiker Pixel Power Losses Calculator - John Spiker maintains this fantastic power calculator for power injection and voltage losses - undoubtedly one of the best tools out there.  Thank you, John!

Github WLED - Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!

AusChristmasLighting – One of the best maintained “Christmas Lights 101” documents available to the hobby.  Read this… it will save you time down the road.

Do It Yourself Christmas – message board with tons of archived hobby knowledge and active users.

Do It Yourself Christmas WIKI – How to’s and learning resources in WIKI format – becoming a bit dated but still useful.